
Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Proudly supported by

Jessica Anderson

Intentional in Life

Rowan Atkinson

Headphone History

Michelle Barker

Dolphin STEM Academy

Jennifer Bly

The Deliberate Mom

Jodi Lynn Burgholder

The Kitchen Table Classroom

Clara Campedelli

Simply Clarafying

Lisa Marie Fletcher

The Canadian Homeschooler

Kelly Harbaugh

Working Homeschooler

Shelly Longenecker

Dinner For A Dollar

Jen Mackinnon

Practical, By Default

Leah Massey

Our Habitat Home

Dachelle McVey

Hide The Chocolate

Courtney Messick

Homeschool Mastery Academy

Beth Napoli

Techie Homeschool Mom

Katrina Oldham

Rule This Roost

Sarah Wall

Raising Royalty

Dr. Melanie Wilson


Dolphin STEM Academy

Thinkster Math